On Target Claims is serving the insurance claims needs of Fort Lauderdale, FL and surrounding areas. Our public claims adjusters work for you, not for the insurance companies. We work to get money in your pocket by documenting loss and damage from fire, water, wind and other causes. Let us handle everything from filing to insurance company negotiations. We strive to get you all the compensation you’re entitled to.


Expert Guidance for Maximizing Your Insurance Recovery


Residential insurance claims can be a hassle. On top of dealing with the emotional stress of having your residential property damaged or destroyed, now you’re supposed to deal with the hurdle of managing your insurance claim. It’s just too much.

When you have a residential insurance claim in Fort Lauderdale, contact On Target Claims. Our public claims adjuster works on your behalf, recording damage, filling out forms, and getting you the correct payout from your insurance company.

Fort Lauderdale, FL is a great place to be in business. But when disaster strikes, you need someone on your side to ensure you get your full and fair insurance coverage amount.

Whether you are a small business owner wearing all the hats or a large company in South Florida, our public claims adjuster represents your interests to your insurance company to help you get your business back up and running again. Contact On Target Claims today.

When you’ve suffered damage or loss from fire and smoke, the last thing you need is to have to fill out all kinds of tedious insurance claim forms trying to prove your losses. This is when you need a public claims adjuster more than ever, so you can focus on what matters; you and your loved ones.

Let us deal with proving your ownership, losses and damage. Let us file your insurance claim so you get a fair settlement.

Being right on the water is one reason so many people choose Fort Lauderdale as their home. But when hurricane and high winds roll through, this South Florida region can get hit hard. Don’t worry.

On Target Claims stands up for your interests with your insurance company to make sure you get a fair settlement for covered property and possessions. We’ll even document the damage, taking photos or videos as needed to prove how much you’re due to receive.

When a small trickle of water turns into a full-blown property damage disaster in Fort Lauderdale, you need a public claims adjuster on your side. Water and mold damage is famously hard to prove, since so much occurs behind walls and ceilings.

On Target Claims has you covered, with representation that ensures all the damage and losses are thoroughly documented to help make sure you get the full amount you’re contractually entitled to from your insurance company.

Boat owners know how hard it is to prove damage and losses on marine vessels, docks, and in boatyards. Your insurance company simply doesn’t understand this area, but On Target Claims does. We’ll carefully document every bit of damage or loss, file your insurance claims paperwork and make sure you get every last penny you deserve from your insurance company.

We represent you, not them. Contact us when you need help with yacht & marine claims in Fort Lauderdale.

Expand Your Understanding of Public Adjusters in Fort Lauderdale

Your home has been damaged. Maybe it was a severe thunderstorm pelting your roof with hail. Perhaps it was the wind that ripped shingles off your roof, or maybe it was a fire. Whatever the case, you’ve suffered serious damage and turned to your insurer for help. The insurance adjuster came to your home, inspected the damage, filed their report, and the insurer came back with a lowball amount. Or, maybe they denied your claim outright.

Whatever the case, there are options open to you. One of those is to hire an attorney, but that’s not always the best course of action. Yes, an attorney will fight for you in court, but you’re responsible for the costs of that legal representation, which can be considerable. You’ll have to pay for the initial consultation even if you don’t move forward with the court case. If you do move forward, you’ll have to pay the attorney’s hourly rate.

You can take other steps, including trying to dispute the insurance company’s decision on your own. If you decide to dispute the decision, take a moment to review your claim and see if there are ways it can be improved. Do you need more documentation? Additional images? More detail about the damage done?

Next, call and speak with your agent. Getting them involved may give you a leg up in the dispute with the insurer. Explain the situation, provide any additional information you have, and ask that your claim be reviewed again. It’s always possible that the adjuster missed something that might weigh in your favor.

Another option is to have an independent appraisal done with a third party. At On Target Claims, we hold insurance companies in Fort Lauderdale accountable to their customers. As licensed residential public insurance claims adjusters, we provide you with an accurate estimate of the damage and repair costs and give you additional leverage to settle the claim without involving an attorney.

When a disaster strikes and your home is damaged, you call your insurance company. They dispatch someone to come and check out the damage – that’s the insurance adjuster, sometimes called an insurance claims adjuster. Insurance adjusters play a crucial role in your claim and can either pave the way for smooth sailing or cause you major headaches.

When an insurance adjuster shows up at your property, they’re there to inspect the damage to your home. The adjuster will also first review your claim details and your policy, as well as ask questions about the disaster before doing anything else. They should bring all the equipment they’ll need to access the damaged areas and assess the severity of the situation. They should also take pictures and document the damage either in writing or on a mobile device. 

Once they’re done, the insurance adjuster creates a report that is then given to the insurer. The insurance company will then make its decision based on the adjuster’s report. Of course, there are a couple of things to remember here. First, the adjuster works for the insurance company. Their job is to assess the damage and then find ways to limit the costs to the insurer. They’re not there to help you. Second, not all adjusters are experienced or professional. If one shows up without the equipment needed (say, a ladder to get on the roof if your roof is leaking), it’s a good sign that the situation is precarious.

A better option is to hire a licensed and local public claims adjuster, like On Target Claims. We work with clients throughout Florida and surrounding Fort Lauderdale areas to ensure complete accuracy in damage assessments. We work for you, not the insurer, and provide an expert, impartial assessment of the damage to help hold insurance companies accountable.

Conventional wisdom says all you need to do when disaster strikes is to contact your insurance company and they’ll handle everything. They’ll send an adjuster to your home, who will assess the damage, and then you’ll be given a fair settlement.

Unfortunately, conventional wisdom is wrong. Yes, you do need to contact your insurance company, and yes, they’ll send out an adjuster. However, the process is often long, drawn out, and frustrating. The adjuster may lack experience, or they may find ways to reduce the amount of your potential claim. Sometimes, they may have your claim denied outright. In many cases, the process ends with you, the homeowner, accepting a settlement that’s not remotely fair (except to the insurance company).

Hiring a public adjuster can make the process a great deal easier. Public adjusters work for you, the policyholder, not the insurance company. That immediately ensures that they’re seeking what’s best for you and not the insurance company’s best interests. Public adjusters are licensed, bring their own assessment tools and equipment, and will thoroughly assess your home from top to bottom, rather than rushing through an assessment.

These are experienced industry professionals committed to accuracy from beginning to end. A public adjuster will estimate your losses correctly and help you file your claim. They can even help you negotiate with the insurance company, not just making the process easier, but helping you secure a fair settlement amount.

At On Target Claims, we work with clients throughout Florida to provide accurate damage assessments. You can contact us at any point in the process before accepting your insurer’s offer. Whether you’re worried that the adjuster won’t accurately assess your damage or your insurance company has already made a lowball offer, working with a local Fort Lauderdale public adjuster like us can help.

Keep in mind that if you have additional inquiries or specific worries regarding your claim, it’s a good idea to seek advice from a trustworthy public adjuster in Fort Lauderdale. They can offer tailored assistance that takes into account your individual situation.